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f u l l n a m e: adnachiel. m e a n i n g: angel of sagittarius. t a k e n n a m e: neck [vertebrae]. n i c k n a m e: kinley [by abeline]. h e i g h t: 5'8''. w e i g h t: 115lbs. s e x: sexually aplasic. g e n d e r: agender; ♂ pronouns. a g e: 1500 approx. looks 32. s p e c i e s: |
h a i r: half-shaved; wavy, red. s k i n: pale, almost scaley. e y e s: murky, dark grey. w i n g s: scrawny; cannot be used for flight. t a i l: relatively short; spiked. h o o v e s: cloven; goat-like. h o r n s: directly from forehead; smooth. b u i l d: lanky, emaciated. g a i t: chin up; drifts as he walks. h e a l t h: 100%. |
s e x u a l i t y: kinsey - X. s t a t u s: -- f a m i l y: abeline [ward]. s l a v e s: cerridwen, carmelo. d r i n k s: yes; alcoholic. s m o k e s: yes; addict. d r u g s: heroin addict. l i k e s: alcohol, science. d i s l i k e s: demons, people. a l i g n m e n t: chaotic neutral. |
volatile, angry and damningly selfish.
an unpleasant individual if ever there was one, hardly befitting an angel. difficult to work with, easy to irritate. a righteous prick, entirely unpalatable and altogether more unsavoury than the majority of his enemies in the pit. surprisingly eloquent, and certainly 'doesn't have a drink problem'. |
b r i e f . p e r s o n a l i t y:
aloof, cold, bitter. sarcastic. calculating and cunning, silver-tongued. dislikes strangers, but socialises for convenience. could have a mild inferiority complex. incredibly blunt. naturally curious. scholar, academic of the sciences. struggling alcoholic. suffers from post traumatic stress disorder to a mild extent. has a pet lizard called wolf. darwinist. s i n s: gluttony & wrath. v i r t u e s: diligence & chastity. s c e n t: tobacco smoke. v o i c e: sharp, drawling. oozes sarcasm. items on person: tobacco box & papers, coin purse, documents. |
to the sounds of; massive attack's 'angel' placebo's 'running up that hill' hurts' 'miracle' mythos' 'icarus' |
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artwork by myself is indicated; artwork by others is also indicated.